• Competitions & Events

Transfer Briefing

England Hockey released new functionality on GMS last week to help manage transfers. The guidance for how transfers should be managed is provided below.

Junior Transfer
  1. Parent/Guardian is responsible for obtaining a ‘release confirmation’ from their current club
  2. This confirmation to be sent to GMS Support
  3. From here GMS Support will initiate the transfer
  4. The transfer request appears on the clubs’ Player Transfers page (which is accessed from their home page)
  5. Club admins to approve or reject the transfer
  6. On approval – player is immediately available for selection at the new club
  7. If transfer is rejected…Competition Managers pick up the process to resolve

In the common situation where a junior player becomes the age where they go to University and look to join the University Hockey Club – the Player should now be creating their own adult account, registering for the club they are currently at/leaving (not the University one).

Once they have created their account GMS Support must be informed so that their child and new adult accounts can be merged – before the player can then request to join the University club as with the usual transfer process.

For an example please follow this link kindly provided by the Midlands.

Adult Transfer

Improvements to the player transfer process are now live on GMS and can hopefully support you and your administrators in processing player requests to leave/join your clubs.

The main change to the process is that a player can now request a transfer directly from their landing page on GMS.

After selecting the ‘Request to join a new club’, they are given the option to select their ‘new’ club and provide a reason for their decision to move – at which point the following process occurs:

  •  Player initiates transfer through their GMS profile (a player can also remove/delete their transfer request – if not already processed)
  • Current club and ‘new’ club both receive notification of transfer request
  • The option to approve or reject the request will be available to the Club Admin
  • In the simplest scenario, where both clubs authorise the transfer – the move is confirmed, and the player will be available for the new club
  • If the transfer request is sat with the current club, without been declined, for 10 days it will automatically be authorised - and the player will be available to the new club 
  • If the club a player is transferring to declines the transfer, the player would need to liaise with the club directly to understand the reasons for that
  • For disputed transfers– Competition Managers will receive the notification, and will be expected at this time to explore a resolution through contacting relevant parties and following usual processes
  • Joining a secondary club – is available to the player following the same process.  When initiating the transfer there is a box to untick to state that you are not leaving your current club 
  • If a player wants to remove themselves from a secondary club, this should be done by contacting GMS Support